The Pirates League Proposal

Sep 25, 2018

Ahoy mates, Pirate Jay here! I’ve commandeered this week’s blog post to tell you about our adventure with the Pirates League before Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.

A few months ago, I was asked by one of my best mates to help him with a proposal scheme. He was going to finally pop the question to the love of his life, but he wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. Both Robert and his fair Victoria, who you might remember from our Gasparilla adventure, had been Pirates of the Caribbean once upon a time, and he had it in his mind to propose to her outside of the attraction itself. I thought we might be able to get away with a bit more grandeur, and so a delightfully piratical adventure was embarked upon.

Our crew of scalliwags descended upon Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party this past weekend. Since the theming of the proposal was to be Pirates, we showed up in full piratical garb, from waist-coats to sea-shells. Robert and myself even showed up with cutlasses sheathed and ready for a night of cut-throat hijinks.

The first spot for a roguish band of pirates to head to upon entering the Magic Kingdom must always be the Pirates League – for such notorious pirates as we needed to assume new identities, so as to escape detection! The Pirates League welcomed us with pomp and flourish, and easily set about assigning us new pirate names and decorating our faces so that not even our own scurvy mothers would notice us! Beards and scars and black-eyes for everyone!

Being made up like a Pirate by the Pirates League is not simply make-up and accessories. It’s an entire experience, with secret oaths being recited, and enough banter between the Pirates in the room, that it takes on more of a presentation and show than merely a costuming service. The Pirates are witty and charming, and mock one another with razor-sharp humor as they set about their tasks of making even the most mundane landlubber into a fearsome scoundrel of the seven seas!

Pirates League Makeovers

From that point, we were led into a secret room through a sliding bookcase in the back of the Pirates League, and discovered treasures that we could take with us on our adventures – pendants, for example, identifying us as part of Captain Jack’s crew. It was here that we took the time for an impromptu photo shoot… and orchestrated Robert’s soon-to-be fiance into an appropriate position – seated in a luxurious throne, fit for a king – or pirate queen, for that matter. As she reclined in the regal chair, I mentioned to Robert that we had found a bit more treasure than we had expected – and handed him the engagement ring I had been stowing myself for a few weeks, so that his Victoria wouldn’t find it in the time leading up to the engagement. Robert swept himself low before the throne, and offered up his ring and a question. Tears welled in her eyes as her black-hearted pirate proposed to her, and she said yes with quite the passionate response.

And it was at this point that the many pirates of the Pirates League suddenly made themselves known – for they TOO had secreted themselves about the room! From behind walls and curtains and from under desks they came, having witnessed the proposal from their hiding places and now they cheered our happy couple! You can spy the video over here.

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As we exited, the Pirates of the Pirates League wished us well, and to have a wonderful night of mutiny, plundering, and rubbing elbows with all the villains that had come out for a night such as this!

Photos by DEA Photography. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram.

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Moving to Orlando in 2013 to join the Disney College Program was the start of the Great Florida Adventure for Chelsea and her best friend Duffy Bear. Now they spend their days exploring all there is to do in the Orlando area and seeing what adventures life where the rest of the world vacations brings.

Author Chelsea leaning on a fence at Disney.

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