I have long said that Nickelodeon must not like money, because they had a potential gold mine on their hands with the Avatar: the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra series. I know from experience that Universal likes money, so they should pounce on said potential gold mine and build an Avatar Land of their own. I have a list of 71 reasons why.
- It would make Disney and their Pandora: the World of Avatar and blue people very angry. Has anyone noticed the logo has almost the same font used on all the episode titles?
- Avatar: the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra have HUGE fan bases. The original series premiered in 2005, Korra concluded in 2014 and the fandom is still going strong.
- When the Nucleus Art Gallery held a show dedicated to art from shows, the line wrapped around the building for hours with people camping over night for limited edition art prints. I was out there for four hours before we got in.
- The vast majority of people waiting for said art show were in full cosplay, so events like the Harry Potter Celebration could be possible.
- Republic City would fit in perfectly as a new island in Universal’s Islands of Adventure. It could easily replace the outdated Lost Continent or Toon Lagoon.
- Universal has had many partnerships with Nickelodeon in the past. Spongebob and Dora the Explorer currently appear as characters in the parks and in the parade even though they do not have rides.
- Universal’s greatest success has been The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Nothing is going to top that, but bringing in another outside, in depth world, could do almost as well.
- Legend of Korra’s poor ratings were due to Nickelodeon constantly moving the show’s timeslot around, poor marketing (they literally aired season three with about a weeks notice), and general mishandling of the show. Once it went to digital, the numbers skyrocketed.
- Avatar: the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra appeal to all ages. The original series was aimed at boys seven-ten, and I was a thirteen year old girl when I started watching. I was a member of several online fan sites, and I had in depth discussions with people twice my age. I had a professor in college that watched both series with her sons!
- This would be Nick’s opportunity to make up for the travesty of the Last Failbender.
- Universal needs something with a vast source to pull from for a new land or ride, with opportunities for fans to find their favorite things that were never available before.
- Incorporating the Republic City Spirit Portal could also allow guests to step into the Spirit World either on a ride or as part of the land itself.
- Universal would have much more creative control and be able to branch out more than they did with the Wizarding World because they would not need the creators’ sign off on every little detail.
- As stated previously, Nickelodeon clearly does not like money, so Universal could probably get the rights pretty cheaply.
- By focusing on just one area of the Avatar world there would be plenty of material into future expansion if Universal wanted to incorporate it into whatever they’re doing with all that land they purchased. Much like the two Wizarding World lands, there could be a Republic City land and a land dedicated to the original series.
- Despite being off the air, there is still new content being created. There are comics coming, slowly but surely, so the fandom can keep growing but they are not dependent on movie sequels.
- All of Avatar: the Last Airbender and the first three seasons of Legend of Korra are on Amazon Prime video for easy viewing both for Universal’s research purposes and for people to become acquainted with the world.
- My mother has only seen a handful of the episodes start to finish, and she would understand a theme park land based around it with no explanation. I guarantee there are more parents who can do the same.
- At one point, a Nickelodeon executive even said Avatar could become their Harry Potter! I agree with you! WHY DID YOU RUIN IT WITH THAT AWFUL MOVIE??
- There are already theme park rides that have been built based on the series. One is the central ride to Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America called Avatar Airbender and another similar ride exists at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in England. Kings Island previously had one as well before removing all of their Nickelodeon rides.
- Fun fact: Avatar: the Last Airbender was the first show to beat Spongebob for the Kids’ Choice Awards for best cartoon in TEN YEARS. It was never nominated again and is the only show to beat the demonic yellow cube.
- This would be the one thing that would get me to renew my annual pass with Universal, or get a new one I guess since mine has been expired so long. I think it would do the same for other people.
- The best thing about Universal’s Diagon Alley is that you truly step into another world. The high buildings of Republic City would allow for that same effect once again.
- Universal clearly wants to continue to grow. New intellectual properties is what they do best. I love Skull Island: Reign of Kong, but it’s a D Ticket attraction at best. Mummy is the only Universal branded ride I would consider an E ticket in addition to Hulk, Forbidden Journey and Escape from Gringotts. Maybe Ripsaw. Maybe.
- Avatar and Korra actually have more villains to pull from than Harry Potter does. Rather than having the dementors show up LITERALLY EVERYWHERE you could have Equalist chi blockers, Evil Spirits, Firebender soldiers, the Red Lotus members, Fire Lord Ozai, Azula, Kuvira and her metalbenders, or the Colossus.
- For anyone who hasn’t seen the shows, all you need is a preshow for one of the rides that states the opening narration from either series and you perfectly have enough of an understanding to enjoy the ride.
- Instead of Houses, people would have elements to choose from, prompting a variety of different apparel options to sell.
- Guests could also choose merchandise representing their favorite pro-bending teams.
- Instead of interactive wands, there could be interactive gloves or bracelets that would allow guests to set off bending effects instead of spell effects.
- There is a wide variety of original creatures to make plush versions of. When The Legend of Korra plush were originally released, they sold out almost immediately and were extremely hard to track down.
- Kids could get temporary airbender tattoos or Kyoshi Warrior face paint.
- Toy versions of Aang’s staff, Korra’s staff, Zuko’s swords, Jet’s swords, Sokka’s sword, Suki’s fans and Asami’s glove would sell incredibly well.
- Once Upon a Tee, TeeFury, Ript Apparel, and other similar sites frequently release shirts based on both series and they sell incredibly well.
- Searching “Korra” on Etsy brings up 939 results, searching “Avatar: the Last Airbender” brings up 1,300 results. Clearly there is a market, and that’s just handmade stuff.
- Distant Horizon has been hosting an Avatar pumpkin carving contest for TWELVE YEARS.
- A merchandise line of toys would do well. The only reason the original Avatar toys sold badly was mistakes made on Matel’s part. They refused to release any of the female characters, and instead chose to focus on alternate versions of male characters in outfits that were never in the show, or on minor characters that appeared only once.
- They could sell bending scrolls.
- Getting your name written in traditional Chinese characters would be a great souvenir.
- They could sell pai sho sets.
- A pro-bending stunt show could easily become a new, updated combination of The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad Stunt Show and Poseidon’s Fury.
- A Spider-man style ride could take guests through Republic City with Team Avatar chasing down Equalists from Book One or dodging spirits and vines, and trying to stop the Colossus from Book Four.
- The series style of blending 2D and 3D animation would work perfectly for simulator 3D rides, which is Universal’s wheelhouse.
- They could literally make any ride they wanted and present it as Varrick’s newest invention and guests are test piloting it. “ZHU LI, DO THE THING!”
- Using the technology of the Raptor Encounter, a flying bison encounter or even a dragon would be possible.
- A flying bison aerial carousel, think like Dumbo, would make a terrific family friendly, all ages ride. Islands of Adventure is badly in need of rides without height requirements.
- Germany’s Movie Park has a different style of hang gliding attraction.
Movie Land. Photo from Theme Parks of England.
- The Aang statue would make a nice addition to the Universal sky line.
- Many of the voice actors from both series frequently attend fan events and would be able to reprise their roles.
- Unlike the Wizarding World, the aging of the actors would have little effect on the ability to produce more content since it would be all animation.
- They could do a metalbending zip line attraction and charge for it as an upgraded experience.
- The Jasmine Dragon would make an excellent new restaurant and tea shop.
- The score is amazing and would lend itself very well to a theme park environment, and the Track Team would probably return to produce new music.
- Omashu slides, anyone?
- Penguin sledding flume ride.
- Ember Island Players stage show. I’m just saying.
- Superman style roller coaster with airbender gliders.
- Korra was the first non-heterosexual main character in western animation, as the series concludes with her forming a relationship with Asami. That forward thinking and representation is something the world needs. There was nothing explicit or outright stated about it, and there wouldn’t have to be in a theme park either, but it would be a great first step.
- Avatar_Mom is submitting the Avatar Fan Panel to San Diego Comic Con for 2017, for a show that’s been off the air for almost ten years. Fans still show up, at the price of missing other cool SDCC things.
- An Avatar Fan Convention has been discussed online and is rumored to be in the works.
- The cast and crew behind the show still care and want to be involved. At the Nucleus Art Gallery show, only the creators were confirmed to be there. I encountered Seychelle Gabriel, the voice of Asami, Dee Bradley Baker, the voice of Tarrlok and all the animals on the show, Cora Baker, Dee’s daughter and the voice of young Korra, and Giancarlo Volpe, one of the series directors. So that would eliminate the problem they’ve had with Harry Potter actors not wanting to return.
- I have cosplayed Korra at Disney on multiple occasions and Universal on one, each time I have been recognized by Cast Members/Team Members and guests, and have been asked for photos. People recognize the character and get excited. Even people who have never seen the show know it’s Avatar.
- I have interacted in character with Disney characters and they got it, and it was pretty much the greatest thing ever.
- Unlike blue people Avatar, Korra and Avatar: the Last Airbender have had a lasting presence in pop culture. Even Failbender is better remembered for how terrible it was. “Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked,” is more quoted than anything from that movie.
- Verrickland!
- Avatar has its own canonical holiday that could be celebrated, Avatar Day is on April 28th as established by the air date of the episode “Avatar Day”.
- There are a total of five artbooks with in depth world information to draw from.
- Steampunk is all the rage right now and Republic City’s steampunk elements would attract people for photography opportunities.
- Avatar: the Last Airbender featured a main character who used her disability to become one of the most powerful benders in the world, and featured a recurring character in a wheelchair.
- The Legend of Korra also showed a main character getting critically injured and seeing the character recover from that.
- An overturned cabbage cart would be a spectacular photo opportunity.
- At the very least, it would have a bigger fan base than Jimmy Fallon.
Korra cosplay photo taken by Waffles Ink Photography.