Trainer Tuesday: Disney Springs

Jun 20, 2017

Welcome to the second installment of the Trainer Tuesdays series where I talk about playing Pokémon Go in Orlando! If you’re currently rolling your eyes about the fact that I’m writing about a game “no one plays anymore”, I encourage you to read the first article where I talk about how the game is still incredibly active and that time my mother saved $110 by playing Pokémon Go. (Seriously, that happened last August.)

This month takes us to Disney Springs where they have three Gyms and thirty-eight Pokéstops! It’s no secret I love Disney Springs. There are days that I want to go to Disney after work but I don’t feel like dealing with the parking and the trams or the monorail and the lines, so I go walk around in the open air. It’s a great place to stretch your legs and get some fresh air for a few hours with air conditioning still only a few steps away. Plus there are so many food options and, most importantly, FREE WIFI!

I normally catch at least twenty Pokémon on any given day at Disney Springs, depending on how long I’m there and how hard I’m playing. I’ve seen everything from your normal common spawns to some really rare ones. You can usually find Dratini, which is good if you’re working towards that Dragonite.

The three gyms are well dispersed through the complex. Two are located in the West Side and one in the Marketplace but don’t let that fool you. They’re still all about a five or ten minute walk from each other. One is at DisneyQuest, one at Characters in Flight and one is at the LEGO Store. The Pokéstops are scattered all over Disney Springs but there’s this weird bubble around Guest Relations with nothing there. However, I did catch a Gyardos there of all things once.

Pros: Free parking, free admission, free WIFI.

Cons: If you’re like me, you’re likely to spend money.

Pokéstops: 38

Gyms: 3 Edit: With the new update there are FIVE!

Rare Pokémon Caught: Gyardos, Dratini

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Moving to Orlando in 2013 to join the Disney College Program was the start of the Great Florida Adventure for Chelsea and her best friend Duffy Bear. Now they spend their days exploring all there is to do in the Orlando area and seeing what adventures life where the rest of the world vacations brings.

Author Chelsea leaning on a fence at Disney.


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Pikachu wearing a Mickey ear hat artwork.
Author Chelsea leaning on a fence at Disney.

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